Friday, September 16, 2016

Friday Favorites!

Happy FriYAY!!!!

I literally count the moments until Friday because I LOVE a weekend!  Here are my top 3 favorite things this week!!

Am I the last person to try this?  A friend of mine had a freezer meal party and although I couldn't make the actual party I bought the kit and did it at home with my hubby. You get a box of seasonings and you provide veggies and meat.  A detailed list tells you exactly how much of what to put in each bag, and even how to cut everything.  Be sure to listen to that part....oops, my peppers didn't fit on my skewers.  Live and learn!!  On the recipe card come detailed nutritional information as well as other recipe ideas.  These make large serving so you can definitely stretch them to include kiddos. A few hours of meal prep and under $150 made TWENTY meals.  Take that restaurant budget!! So far the meals we have tried have been so yummy.  The best part is that you know exactly what is going into your food because they are all organic!! Take a peek at what they offer here!  I did the comfort foods workshop and got a few little samples of other things as well.  Ill update you later in the month as to how everything is going.

Comfort foods because comfort + yummy!

All prepped and ready to go!

Onions oh the onions!!

 First attempt was a success. Grilled chipotle lime shrimp!! You can use any protein that you like. 

Second meal, chicken fajitas.  So, about that picture.  Long story but baby bears lawyer was late getting here and so I literally made dinner while talking to her.  We ate standing in the kitchen and then hit the road to get to a baseball game!  Best laid plans........ But I promise you it was good, maybe a few more onions and peppers needed but that's the only change I would make.  We served it with yellow rice. 

You know what I am loving the most? This is helping me break out of the rut I was in off cooking the same darn meals every stinking week.  A girl can only eat turkey sausage or spaghetti so many times before she needs something fresh!  Ill keep you up on next weeks as well.

The weather!!!!
Can we all just take a single moment and smile for this weather!!! HIGH of 80 today!  Still a few warm days left to go but I can feel it.  Fall is a coming which means only one thing CHRISTMAS!!!! Ok, maybe not yet but soon enough!  My online shopping baskets are full of big scarfs and boots and all things warm and cozy.  It might be January before I can wear them but it will come!!

Infants and Toddlers Programs
I know many of you have been through this before but this was my first time working with them.  I taught next door to the program for years but never knew much about it.  Today I got to meet some of the ladies in our local office.  If you have or know a child that might be in need of early intervention contact your local school system.  ANYONE can do a referral.  Early intervention is key and this program is free!

Thursday, September 1, 2016

What's Up Wednesday!!!

There is a whole lot of the same old stuff going on here but here is a glimpse into our current life on the What's Up Wednesday!

What are we eating.......
This week we have finally gotten back into a decent routine and I have been getting dinner on the table....sometimes.  We had a delicious pasta and shrimp alfredo with broccoli on Monday.  Yesterday was taco Tuesday and I normally just make something Mexicanish but I had to get my niece off the bus and she lives about 30 mins away and I met her mom......right by my favorite Mexican joint.  So obviously we ate there. I have beef stroganoff (the fancy hamburger helper kind) cooking for tonight because I am ready for fall!!  Yall I follow too many blogs to be making hamburger helper, but dinner is on the table before 6pm so Ill put that in the win column!  Tomorrow is set to be stirfry.  Ill let you know how that goes. :)

What am I reminiscing about.......
The time when my schedule was my own. Baby Bear turns 3 months old today!!! What?!? I have taken over visits so that is now my life.  Getting a toddler and baby to and from visits, on time.  Luckily C begins preschool next week and visits will happen mainly while he is there. Visits are going great, so that's awesome!!

What I'm loving......
Girl on the Train! It took me a while to get hooked but Im all in now.  I will finish it before the movie comes out.  Yes, I am one of those 1 book a month gals.  Sorry.

What we've been up to.......
Planning!!! We have two mini vacations coming up.  Although we love a great long vacation in a new fancy destination sometimes you just need a weekend to reboot and recharge.  So I've planned a weekend away in October and in December.  Stay tuned for those details.

What I am dreading.......
PRESCHOOL!!! How in the world did this happen?!? Yes, he's only 2.  Yes, It's only twine a week.  But still yall!! My baby will be without me for 3 hours twice a week.  The worst part is as I bawl my eyes out he's going to be having the time of his life.  He is super social and needs this time away from momma.

What I am excited about.....
See above :)

What I am working on.....
We have no laundry room.  We have a big laundry closet.  Blah.  I hate it.  So it is getting a facelift.  Here are my ideas. Thoughts? If you have a laundry closet please show me your ideas!

What I am watching.....
After last night's big reveal I am now watching Bachelor in Paradise.  I was too wrapped up in the Olympics to watch it live but I have it recorded.  Im on episode 3.  Can you be too old to watch this??

What I am doing this weekend.....
I have no idea!! Why? Because it is my birthday!! My amazing hubby arrange for the grandma squad to babysit and we are off for a fun day of ...well, fun!!

What I am looking forward to next month.......
Fall!!! September 1 is fall in my little world.  It might be 95 outside but this home will be full of everything fall in about 10 days!!! I.  CANT.  WAIT!!! Am I the only one that does not like a Pumkin Spice Latte? Or pumpkin spice anything for that matter, bring me some apple cidar or salted caramel something! I found a bunch of hilarious memes about PSL.....none of which were appropriate to post :)

What else is new.......
I know most of you follow our foster care journey but sometimes I like to post about just life in general.  With that said this is my first rodeo being in charge of visits.  Things are going well but I am walking carefully.  Say prayers for everyone involved in the case, mainly that things keep looking as good as they are now.  My heart is both happy and hopeful for this little one.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites:

I have lots of lots and lots of favorites.  My husband has told me I may not have anymore favorites.  But I just love lots of things.  These are the things I am loving to most right now!

1. The Olympics

I LOVE the Olympics.  Ever since I watched every moment of the '92 Barcelona games I have been hooked.  I watch it all.  Every sport, every event, every day all day.  Tonight are the Opening Ceremonies and you know where I will be, on my couch not missing a moment.  Even though DishTV tried to throw me off by allowing my box to die with 5 days to go, we have recovered and are ready to go.  We wont talk about everything on my DRV that is gone, that's a whole post in its own.

2. Overdrive

Did you know there is an amazing place that you can go and borrow books, for free?!? Ha! Ok, yes I know about the library and I take the kiddo there often.  But I seem to always just buy a book if I want to read it.  Now I have found the app that lets you download the digital copy from your local library for free, it's a rental just like a regular book.  No sadly they don't seem to have all books but you do have the choice of an audio book if you're an audio book love like me.

3. Tula

I've had this guy for a while, probably 18 months or so.  I didn't start using it until C was about 1 and probably 20 lbs, sooooo I never tried it with an infant.  I purchased the infant insert and the rest was history.  This baby loves to be snuggled and I love snuggling him.  I can wear him for hours and he just cuddles in.  If you've ever thought about it.  Please excuse the blurry toddler, because well, toddlers!

4. Duplos
Well the time has come, our boy has fallen for duplos.  He has loved Mega Blocks since he was 8 months old but for his birthday we got him some duplos.  I finally opened all the boxes and oh my goodness, he is in love.  The two year old can sit and build forever.  Right now everything is a robot or a rocket, everything. I love seeing his imagination go wild.  Anyone know if the Lego store has duplos?

5. The Fosters

One of you old me to watch it, so I listened.  I binged, and binged! I finished 3 seasons and the current episodes in two months, maybe less.  That might not seem like a lot for you professional binge watchers but that is amazing for me.  Rarely does a series hold my attention long enough that I watch more than one season.  Give it a try.  Go in knowing that it is not fully accurate and gives both extreme pictures of foster care.  But the cast is wonderful and you'll get sucked right in to the story line.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

How do you say goodbye?

How do you say goodbye? I'm not certain this will happen and I won't know for sure until court next week.  It's one of those cases, so up in the air only the judge knows the end result. How do you say goodbye to a sweet baby? One that won't remember you at all due to age.  When we started this journey it was to assist families in our community during their time of greatest need, and that's what we've done.  Our relationship with this sweet baby's bio family is strong and I hope that when he leaves (there is no doubt he will, just when is the question) we can still be in his life for a while in some capacity.  But even with that we will say goodbye. So how do you do it? How do you prepare yourself, your spouse, your other children?
Comment below.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Our first placement

How in the world has it been two whole months since I last wrote? Sleep deprivation must be the reason.  After navigating some extra preplacement requirements we welcomed our first sweet little one into our home on June 29th.  Y'all, babies are exhausting. I feel like I should remember this but I think your brain must store that in a special spot never to be remembered or else there would only be one baby per household.  This baby is the sweetest.  He's happy unless he's hungry, starting to smile, and loving some cuddles.  My main concern has been making sure Carter is adjusting well.  So far, so....okay? He does great most of the time, but when I have to feed little bear we see the little jealous side come out.  But we are dealing.  Navigating visits has been much easier than I thought I would be, for now.  Our case worker has been doing all the transport and supervision which has made this less stressful than I was anticipating.

Since its been way too long let me fill you in on a bit of what we've been up too! This is super random so hold on :)

Carter turns 2!!!!
My baby turned two so we rolled out the red carpet for Elmo.  All of our friends and family came out to celebrate and despite the weather we had a great time!!

C with my husband and my dad!

He totally understand the present thing now!

The only picture from Mother's Day :(

Loving his new Usborne dinosaurs books.  Y'all these books are amazing!!!

We took a little road trip for Memorial Day to see the matriarch of my husbands family, our 94 years young grandma!!

Because roadtrips require Starbucks, and cake pops. 

C with my hubby and his greatgrandma!

Summer Fun is in full swing!
Pool time!

C's first movie.....Finding Dory with his girlfriends!!!

Water table love!
and finally.....International Mud Day, this was a toughy for this momma that hates dirt but my boy loved it. 

Ok, that's enough about my month.  Hopefully we are back into the swing of things.  Id love to hear from you especially about how you navigate things like visits with other littles as well.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Stranded: 3 Books

I love the opportunity to link up with my favorite bloggers.  Their prompts and challenges always get me thinking outside of the box.  I love the stranded island series, what three things would you take with know if you knew ahead of time that you were about to be stranded.  This months topic.....books!!

1. The first thing I would take is my yearly Bible.  I know this is pretty obvious and maybe even quite generic but if I am going to be stranded there's no time like that to get a bit closer to Jesus.  

2. The next book I would choose is something funny.  It would need to be something I havent read before since nothing is quite as funny the second time around.  I have been meaning to read Bossypants for quite sometime but I always get hooked on another drama and never have gotten around to it.  So Tina Fey's Bossypants would be my next choice. 

3. Finally Id have to pick something that could help me grow so that when someone finally rescues me I could at least say that I have learned something.   I read How to Talk so Kids Will Learn as a teacher and it really gave me thing to think about.  So I think reading How To Talk SO Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk would be a great next step in the realm of parenting. 

Hopefully these three books can get me through being stuck on an island.  I am hoping this island is about 74 degrees and that I am there no more than a few weeks of boy could things get miserable for anyone else stuck with me.  Next month tag up and share the 3 netflix series that you would would take, obviously if I am stuck on an island there better be wifi. 

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Happy Thursday! What a week it has been here.  Crazy weather, a sick momma, and an even sicker grandpa. Grandpa had a 7 hr surgery on Tuesday to fix what they call a Triple A, Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm. So far he is healing well. I however have come down with the crud, possibly brinchitis maybe not. Cancelled play group today which was super sad because as much as C loves his friends, I love their mommas even more. I try to hold play group at my house once a month but nobody wants my germs. So today was spent just hanging out w C, cleaning, and preparing for a possible house guest. Our church has a new worship pastor beginning this summer but for now he comes in every few weeks and sometimes needs a place to stay so we make sure theres a cozy place ready if he needs it.

Trying a new meal this evening from one of my faves. @mixandmatchmama Serving this with yellow rice and black beans! Ill let you know tomorrow how it turned out.

Friday, April 29, 2016

The First Call.......

Well it came.  The call we've been waiting for.  The reason we started all of this to begin with.  Two calls in fact on the same day.  I guess I could say I'm proud that we didn't rush, that we asked the correct questions, that we discussed it with each other, that we made a good decision.  But the decision we made, for both, is that it wouldn't be a good fit for our family.  But instead of feeling ok, that we stuck to the very few requirements we both agreed on, I feel sad.  Helpless.  I have prayed for these two children so much in the past three days.  I am hoping they have found the place where they should be.  I will continue to pray for them, their bio families, the families that will foster them and for the long paths they are now on.  And I will continue to wait, for another call, for another chance to say yes.

Thursday, April 14, 2016


I wasn't quite expecting to hear that today, I thought for sure we were another week or two out.  But that's the information I got. My case worker had the signed report on her desk this morning.  All I have to do is sign it and we will be open.  So many things are going through my head right now.  When will the call come?  Will it be a good fit?  As I sit here and play all of those questions in my head I also have to case scenario is that the call won't come because no children are taken into care. However, I understand the world that we live in.  So until the call comes I will pray for the littles and their parents and hope that in their time of need we can be here to help.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Show and Tell Tuesday: Talk Show

This is something I have dreamed of since I used to run home from the bus to turn on Oprah! Who would I interview when Oprah called me to take her place?!? So here you go, my top list of people that I would love the opportunity to interview!


Start with the one that has interviewed them all.  Her life story is one that I just love.  A rough beginning that with hard work and determination led her to be one of the best.  Nothing was handed to her, she worked hard to create her empire.  She has spoken to the most amazing people that have lived in the past century.  To be in her head for a few days would be a dream come true. 

Julia Roberts

Who doesn't love her?!? We don't need those people in our lives.   She is the embodiment of grace and beauty.  An actress that everyone aspires to be.  From the moment I first saw Pretty Woman I was a fan.  I've seen, I think, every single movie since then.  Her story lines are classic and she doesn't turn out bad movies.  Shes worked with the best of the best while still managing to maintain a normal life for her family.  As much as 'normal' can be when you're Julia Roberts. 

The MAG 7

My show would be filled with "Where are they now?" segments and this is where is would begin.  I fell in love with gymnastics during the 1992 Barcelona Olympics, Shannon Miller, Kim Zmeskal, Betty Okino, Dominique Dawes, Kerri Strug, and Wendy Bruce.....yes I still recall them all this many years later.  I breathed gymnastics for the next four....ok 24 years.  But 4 years later the women's team took gold and created a whole new love for the sport.  A moment I will never ever forget.  Id just love to know where they all are now. 

Princess Kate

Every girl wanted to be a princess when they grew up...... and she did!! Or is she a Duchess? Palaces, tiaras, jewels, and the queen! All things I would love more than anything to hear about.  Of course she would bring her little along with her too so we could have a magical play date.

President Obama

I'd probably want to interview any sitting President but I had mad respect for this one and picking our presidents brain for an hour would just make this momma happy. 

Stay tuned later this week for an up date on our foster process and a look back at our recent trip to Ireland!!!
Follow me @coffeeloveandfostercare on IG

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Friday Favorites on Saturday

I am a day behind because Friday was spent at everyone's favorite place, the dentist.  Sadly, that wont be making the Friday Favorite list this week but if you are local to the 20619 I can share dentist info with you because she is great.  But today I am going to focus on a few of my favorite things, the things that I am currently enjoying the most......

Coffee!  I cannot make it through a morning with out it.  I just love my coffee.  Even more special than that is that I love that my hubby brings me a hot, creamy, and sweet cup every morning.  It helps me get going before the little one arises.  I am a Keurig girl as I am one of those coffee lovers that cant make a cup of coffee to save her life!!  Not too strong, but definitely not weak. It is only fitting that my first Friday Favorite is the namesake of this blog!!

Protein Shakes!!  I have always been one of those people that didnt have time for breakfast and claimed to never be hungry.  A cup of coffee and out the door I went.  Well, that was such a lie that I told myself.  A year ago in May my husband and I start a small journey to make ourselves healthier.  It has been a year of baby steps but we are slowly making changes.  The biggest change is that I drink a shake every morning for breakfast.  It jump starts my metabolism and I feel full all morning.  It gives me energy that I used to need 3 cups of coffee for.  Many days I also have one for lunch with a snack in between.  It helps me stay away from the goldfish and other kiddie snacks.  Im down about 13 lbs and my husband over 20!  We use Herbalife and have the most amazing coaches your could ever dream of.  If you need a to take some steps on your healthy journey let me know or look up @wellbeingway on IG, you wont regret it. 

Last favorite of this week, because 3's a charm: LuLaRoe!! Who out here sells this amazing stuff?  I just found the company in November and am officially addicted.  Leggins, Irma, Nicoles, Perfect Ts, Amelias, I just can not stop buying it.  My husband is going to loose his mind if one more package comes in the mail. How can I not love it?  Despite the growing pains they are going through they offer adorable clothing at great size ranges so that every woman can feel beautiful  If you sell or love please let me know so I can link your page!!

Have a great weekend, we are headed to see the Easter Bunny and then packing for our vacation!! 3 more days!!

Thursday, March 10, 2016

The one that started it all!

Well, here it is.  My first blog post.  I've been thinking about this post for a while but the timing just hadn't been right.  What makes today the right day? Just the feeling, the feeling that we are almost done.  The journey to become foster parents has been a long, extensive process that we have not entered into lightly.  We began this process in 2013, yes you read the correctly, 2013!!  Little did we know just a few weeks later we would be expecting our amazing little boy.  So we put this process on hold until he was almost one.  In March of 2015 we started again and here we are 1 year, 9 weeks of classes, 4 interviews, and 100's of application pages later.  We should be finalized and open in the next few weeks, so until then I will kick back, drink some extra coffee and love on my family a little extra. 

My little family!

Momma's boy through and through

The love of my entire life!