Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Stranded: 3 Books

I love the opportunity to link up with my favorite bloggers.  Their prompts and challenges always get me thinking outside of the box.  I love the stranded island series, what three things would you take with know if you knew ahead of time that you were about to be stranded.  This months topic.....books!!

1. The first thing I would take is my yearly Bible.  I know this is pretty obvious and maybe even quite generic but if I am going to be stranded there's no time like that to get a bit closer to Jesus.  

2. The next book I would choose is something funny.  It would need to be something I havent read before since nothing is quite as funny the second time around.  I have been meaning to read Bossypants for quite sometime but I always get hooked on another drama and never have gotten around to it.  So Tina Fey's Bossypants would be my next choice. 

3. Finally Id have to pick something that could help me grow so that when someone finally rescues me I could at least say that I have learned something.   I read How to Talk so Kids Will Learn as a teacher and it really gave me thing to think about.  So I think reading How To Talk SO Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk would be a great next step in the realm of parenting. 

Hopefully these three books can get me through being stuck on an island.  I am hoping this island is about 74 degrees and that I am there no more than a few weeks of boy could things get miserable for anyone else stuck with me.  Next month tag up and share the 3 netflix series that you would would take, obviously if I am stuck on an island there better be wifi. 

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Happy Thursday! What a week it has been here.  Crazy weather, a sick momma, and an even sicker grandpa. Grandpa had a 7 hr surgery on Tuesday to fix what they call a Triple A, Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm. So far he is healing well. I however have come down with the crud, possibly brinchitis maybe not. Cancelled play group today which was super sad because as much as C loves his friends, I love their mommas even more. I try to hold play group at my house once a month but nobody wants my germs. So today was spent just hanging out w C, cleaning, and preparing for a possible house guest. Our church has a new worship pastor beginning this summer but for now he comes in every few weeks and sometimes needs a place to stay so we make sure theres a cozy place ready if he needs it.

Trying a new meal this evening from one of my faves. @mixandmatchmama Serving this with yellow rice and black beans! Ill let you know tomorrow how it turned out.