Monday, June 12, 2017

Coffee, Love and Adoption!!!!

So we've been MIA since our sweet little bug went home in April.  We have been so blessed to see him since and to hear updates from his momma on how he's doing.  We even got invited to his birthday party! But we've also been out of touch because life has been busy.  We have been feeling the calling for a long time to adopt, as in since before we even knew each other.  God definitely put in to our hearts that we are meant to add to our family through adoption. In the last year or so we have been praying over that a lot and have felt drawn overseas and more specifically to a daughter in a specific country.  So we have taken the great leap into international adoption.  The process will be long and I am sure difficult but we know that at this moment in time that is where we are being led.  For now our home is only open for short term respite care, which has been very hard to come to terms with but we hope to open fully again a year or so after the adoption is finalized.  I would love if you continue to follow our journey to adoption. It wont be glamorous but I know many people would like to know the specifics so if you have that interest I will give you all I can.  Our home study #1 is next week, so send some good vibes our way please.

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