Thursday, September 1, 2016

What's Up Wednesday!!!

There is a whole lot of the same old stuff going on here but here is a glimpse into our current life on the What's Up Wednesday!

What are we eating.......
This week we have finally gotten back into a decent routine and I have been getting dinner on the table....sometimes.  We had a delicious pasta and shrimp alfredo with broccoli on Monday.  Yesterday was taco Tuesday and I normally just make something Mexicanish but I had to get my niece off the bus and she lives about 30 mins away and I met her mom......right by my favorite Mexican joint.  So obviously we ate there. I have beef stroganoff (the fancy hamburger helper kind) cooking for tonight because I am ready for fall!!  Yall I follow too many blogs to be making hamburger helper, but dinner is on the table before 6pm so Ill put that in the win column!  Tomorrow is set to be stirfry.  Ill let you know how that goes. :)

What am I reminiscing about.......
The time when my schedule was my own. Baby Bear turns 3 months old today!!! What?!? I have taken over visits so that is now my life.  Getting a toddler and baby to and from visits, on time.  Luckily C begins preschool next week and visits will happen mainly while he is there. Visits are going great, so that's awesome!!

What I'm loving......
Girl on the Train! It took me a while to get hooked but Im all in now.  I will finish it before the movie comes out.  Yes, I am one of those 1 book a month gals.  Sorry.

What we've been up to.......
Planning!!! We have two mini vacations coming up.  Although we love a great long vacation in a new fancy destination sometimes you just need a weekend to reboot and recharge.  So I've planned a weekend away in October and in December.  Stay tuned for those details.

What I am dreading.......
PRESCHOOL!!! How in the world did this happen?!? Yes, he's only 2.  Yes, It's only twine a week.  But still yall!! My baby will be without me for 3 hours twice a week.  The worst part is as I bawl my eyes out he's going to be having the time of his life.  He is super social and needs this time away from momma.

What I am excited about.....
See above :)

What I am working on.....
We have no laundry room.  We have a big laundry closet.  Blah.  I hate it.  So it is getting a facelift.  Here are my ideas. Thoughts? If you have a laundry closet please show me your ideas!

What I am watching.....
After last night's big reveal I am now watching Bachelor in Paradise.  I was too wrapped up in the Olympics to watch it live but I have it recorded.  Im on episode 3.  Can you be too old to watch this??

What I am doing this weekend.....
I have no idea!! Why? Because it is my birthday!! My amazing hubby arrange for the grandma squad to babysit and we are off for a fun day of ...well, fun!!

What I am looking forward to next month.......
Fall!!! September 1 is fall in my little world.  It might be 95 outside but this home will be full of everything fall in about 10 days!!! I.  CANT.  WAIT!!! Am I the only one that does not like a Pumkin Spice Latte? Or pumpkin spice anything for that matter, bring me some apple cidar or salted caramel something! I found a bunch of hilarious memes about PSL.....none of which were appropriate to post :)

What else is new.......
I know most of you follow our foster care journey but sometimes I like to post about just life in general.  With that said this is my first rodeo being in charge of visits.  Things are going well but I am walking carefully.  Say prayers for everyone involved in the case, mainly that things keep looking as good as they are now.  My heart is both happy and hopeful for this little one.

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