Friday, August 5, 2016

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites:

I have lots of lots and lots of favorites.  My husband has told me I may not have anymore favorites.  But I just love lots of things.  These are the things I am loving to most right now!

1. The Olympics

I LOVE the Olympics.  Ever since I watched every moment of the '92 Barcelona games I have been hooked.  I watch it all.  Every sport, every event, every day all day.  Tonight are the Opening Ceremonies and you know where I will be, on my couch not missing a moment.  Even though DishTV tried to throw me off by allowing my box to die with 5 days to go, we have recovered and are ready to go.  We wont talk about everything on my DRV that is gone, that's a whole post in its own.

2. Overdrive

Did you know there is an amazing place that you can go and borrow books, for free?!? Ha! Ok, yes I know about the library and I take the kiddo there often.  But I seem to always just buy a book if I want to read it.  Now I have found the app that lets you download the digital copy from your local library for free, it's a rental just like a regular book.  No sadly they don't seem to have all books but you do have the choice of an audio book if you're an audio book love like me.

3. Tula

I've had this guy for a while, probably 18 months or so.  I didn't start using it until C was about 1 and probably 20 lbs, sooooo I never tried it with an infant.  I purchased the infant insert and the rest was history.  This baby loves to be snuggled and I love snuggling him.  I can wear him for hours and he just cuddles in.  If you've ever thought about it.  Please excuse the blurry toddler, because well, toddlers!

4. Duplos
Well the time has come, our boy has fallen for duplos.  He has loved Mega Blocks since he was 8 months old but for his birthday we got him some duplos.  I finally opened all the boxes and oh my goodness, he is in love.  The two year old can sit and build forever.  Right now everything is a robot or a rocket, everything. I love seeing his imagination go wild.  Anyone know if the Lego store has duplos?

5. The Fosters

One of you old me to watch it, so I listened.  I binged, and binged! I finished 3 seasons and the current episodes in two months, maybe less.  That might not seem like a lot for you professional binge watchers but that is amazing for me.  Rarely does a series hold my attention long enough that I watch more than one season.  Give it a try.  Go in knowing that it is not fully accurate and gives both extreme pictures of foster care.  But the cast is wonderful and you'll get sucked right in to the story line.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

How do you say goodbye?

How do you say goodbye? I'm not certain this will happen and I won't know for sure until court next week.  It's one of those cases, so up in the air only the judge knows the end result. How do you say goodbye to a sweet baby? One that won't remember you at all due to age.  When we started this journey it was to assist families in our community during their time of greatest need, and that's what we've done.  Our relationship with this sweet baby's bio family is strong and I hope that when he leaves (there is no doubt he will, just when is the question) we can still be in his life for a while in some capacity.  But even with that we will say goodbye. So how do you do it? How do you prepare yourself, your spouse, your other children?
Comment below.