Saturday, March 12, 2016

Friday Favorites on Saturday

I am a day behind because Friday was spent at everyone's favorite place, the dentist.  Sadly, that wont be making the Friday Favorite list this week but if you are local to the 20619 I can share dentist info with you because she is great.  But today I am going to focus on a few of my favorite things, the things that I am currently enjoying the most......

Coffee!  I cannot make it through a morning with out it.  I just love my coffee.  Even more special than that is that I love that my hubby brings me a hot, creamy, and sweet cup every morning.  It helps me get going before the little one arises.  I am a Keurig girl as I am one of those coffee lovers that cant make a cup of coffee to save her life!!  Not too strong, but definitely not weak. It is only fitting that my first Friday Favorite is the namesake of this blog!!

Protein Shakes!!  I have always been one of those people that didnt have time for breakfast and claimed to never be hungry.  A cup of coffee and out the door I went.  Well, that was such a lie that I told myself.  A year ago in May my husband and I start a small journey to make ourselves healthier.  It has been a year of baby steps but we are slowly making changes.  The biggest change is that I drink a shake every morning for breakfast.  It jump starts my metabolism and I feel full all morning.  It gives me energy that I used to need 3 cups of coffee for.  Many days I also have one for lunch with a snack in between.  It helps me stay away from the goldfish and other kiddie snacks.  Im down about 13 lbs and my husband over 20!  We use Herbalife and have the most amazing coaches your could ever dream of.  If you need a to take some steps on your healthy journey let me know or look up @wellbeingway on IG, you wont regret it. 

Last favorite of this week, because 3's a charm: LuLaRoe!! Who out here sells this amazing stuff?  I just found the company in November and am officially addicted.  Leggins, Irma, Nicoles, Perfect Ts, Amelias, I just can not stop buying it.  My husband is going to loose his mind if one more package comes in the mail. How can I not love it?  Despite the growing pains they are going through they offer adorable clothing at great size ranges so that every woman can feel beautiful  If you sell or love please let me know so I can link your page!!

Have a great weekend, we are headed to see the Easter Bunny and then packing for our vacation!! 3 more days!!

Thursday, March 10, 2016

The one that started it all!

Well, here it is.  My first blog post.  I've been thinking about this post for a while but the timing just hadn't been right.  What makes today the right day? Just the feeling, the feeling that we are almost done.  The journey to become foster parents has been a long, extensive process that we have not entered into lightly.  We began this process in 2013, yes you read the correctly, 2013!!  Little did we know just a few weeks later we would be expecting our amazing little boy.  So we put this process on hold until he was almost one.  In March of 2015 we started again and here we are 1 year, 9 weeks of classes, 4 interviews, and 100's of application pages later.  We should be finalized and open in the next few weeks, so until then I will kick back, drink some extra coffee and love on my family a little extra. 

My little family!

Momma's boy through and through

The love of my entire life!